Publication Date: January 2010
ISBN: 978-0373716128
Contemporary Romance
Reviewed by Penny
Obtained via: Publisher

Troy has come back to claim his rightful place as Greg’s father. Only Marlee is not happy at all to see him. She wants to protect her son from the same hardship and embarrassment she felt as the daughter of a father who spent just as much time in jail as he did out. Troy is determined to put his family together and prove to Marlee that his was a one-time mistake and that he is nothing like her father. But can she believe him? Can she take that chance with Troy? Her head tells her one thing and her heart another.
Cindi Myers’s A FATHER FOR HER SON has a good storyline, one that is not unique, but is intriguing. I just was not able to lose myself in it. This book just did not grab my attention for any length of time and I found myself easily distracted and putting it down often. When I picked it up, I would have to turn to the back of the book to read a bit of the blurb to remind myself what the book was about. When I am engrossed in a book, I can always remember what was happening when I left off; let alone what the book was about should I have to lay it down.
I can totally understand Marlee’s protective feeling for her son. And I was a little put off by Troy’s seemingly heavy-handedness at times. Maybe that is just the mother in me. I am sure fathers will feel differently upon reading A FATHER FOR HER SON. She is a tigress when protecting her son. Even a mom who does not have Marlee’s past experiences would be hesitant to let a father who is an ex-con, a man who was in prison when the child was born and never even laid eyes on him, come near her child and suddenly play daddy.
While I did not find this book particularly enjoyable, many other readers probably will. It is well written and the characters were well drawn and believable, including many secondary characters. It just was not my cup of tea. Nothing against Ms Myers and her talent, this one simply just did not pop for me.
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