Date issued: February 2008
ISBN: None given
Reviewed by Valerie
Obtained via publisher

CLICK TO PURCHASE! Yhnez, touched by the Goddess, child-leader of her tribe has come a long way and has finally found The Mother’s Heart Oasis. No longer wanderer’s the tribe enjoys the peace and tranquility of the Oasis. But not having much to do leaves them bickering among themselves and the younger ones, who are bored, cause mischief. Taizhehn, a boy who they found, takes Yhnez across the lake to the Temple of the Moon. She finds great tablets with the laws of the Goddess written on them. The Goddess herself speaks to Yhnez giving her the plea to go out among the tribes and bring them these very laws. Laws, that many of the tribes have strayed from. So again, the tribe journeys, again they meet dangers and find more folks wandering the desert. And they must never forget that the verritaym’t are out there too and the power of their Dread Lord is growing too.
Oh my! Again, a thrilling read. I could hardly put this book down. I do hope that these stories come out in print because I would love to have them on my shelf, loan out to my friends who should read these stories, give them to my children to read. I may just have to print them out so I can display them on my bookshelf. Of course, I want to read these stories again. Most definitely so. I so enjoyed the adventures of Yhnez and her tribe. The children have come a long way since the first book and you hardly see that they are children, they behave so mature, responsible and with wisdom. After the climatic ending, I truly hope that this author will continue the adventures of these children. It would be wonderful to read how, as they come to adulthood, the prophecies and foreseeing of the Goddess come true. Dear reader, if you’ve enjoyed these stories as much as I have, please write the author and tell her you want more!
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