Thursday, December 16, 2010


Publisher: Signet Eclipse
Date published: October 2010
ISBN: 978-0451231253
Historical romance
Trade Sized Paperback
Reviewed by Valerie
Obtained by publisher

Emily Grantwich hasn’t had an easy life. After her father is crippled and her brother is lost at war, she has to take over the running and managing of the family’s land, as well as the eccentric aunt who lives with them. But Emily has bravely taken on the task and shown that she is more than up to it. A pity her father believes her efforts are to no avail. When she’s bought a herd of sheep which she wants to pasture on land that is still in dispute, as the land is either theirs, or their neighbors.

Then she literally collides with ‘the Dark Angel’, Piers Verderan who has inherited the land next to the Grantwich estate. Emily’s quiet life is about to become turbulent as Ver has a dark and deadly reputation.

I’ve been a long time fan of Ms Beverley and have a number of her books on my shelf. I haven’t read one in a while, so was happy to have gotten this one. Ms Beverley sets her book in the Shires in the Regency period, during the hunting season. As she explains at the back of the book, there is nothing more the Regency men love than the thrill of the hunt and it all comes to life here in this story. I really enjoyed it and had to read it in one sitting. Emily is a wonderful person, very practical, no wilting flower and with a sensible head on her shoulders. Ver is a self confessed rake, who has some really terrible rumors following him and he seems to be a very dangerous man indeed. The dialogue was extremely witty and in parts had me laughing out loud, especially the talk about ‘pudding’…hehe!
There are numerous secondary characters that give life, depth and even more charm to this wonderful story. Yes, do pick this one up and get carried away to the English shires and enjoy those handsome regency men and the women they fall for.

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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