Wednesday, August 21, 2013

THE HERO by Robyn Carr

Publisher:   Harlequin
Date published:   August 27, 2013
ISBN:  978-0778314592
Genre:   Contemporary Romance
Book format: Paperback
Obtained via:  Publisher
Reviewed by name and email address:  Gina

Through no fault of her own Devon found herself out of a job and home on the streets of Seattle. There she met Jacob, a man who offered her a home, family and comfort. But after the birth of her child Devon realized that Jacob wasn’t really the kind hearted, caring man he pretended to be. When another woman living at The Fellowship gives her an opportunity to leave, Devon takes it.

Viet Nam vet Rawley Goode keeps mostly to himself.  He’s lived with loss and trauma and made his way back from the dark places engendered by war thanks to his deceased friend Ben and Ben’s friend Cooper. But Rawley remembers those sad and traumatic times and when he sees a young woman with a child on the side of the road he stops and offers her a ride. More than a ride, Rawley sees that Devon and her daughter Mercy are on the run. While they may not admit it, they are on the run. A stronger to reaching out to another person Rawley pulls out of his comfort zone and brings the pair to Thunder Point and invites her to stay as long as she needs.

Spencer Lawson is new to Thunder Point. When his wife became ill they learned that the child they had was not his, but rather Cooper’s. Doing the right thing they contacted Cooper to tell him he has a son, Austin. When Spencer’s wife died he had to make some decisions and among them was a move to Thunder Point to be the new football coach. Spencer and Austin are quickly embraced by the town. When Spencer meets Devon he feels an instant attraction—but is it too soon after his wife’s death to let another woman in? Slowly but surely he begins to court Devin and while she holds back she too feels the bond growing between them. Can Devin learn to trust again?  And can Spencer open his heart to love again?

I LOVE Robyn Carr’s Thunder Point series and THE HERO is by far the best one so far.  This is the kind of book you can read for the sheer enjoyment of a good story, or you can Take it to deeper levels and consider just who the hero truly is. Is it Rawley for coming out of his self-imposed isolation? Spencer for taking another look at love?  Devon for breaking out of the abusive lifestyle of The Fellowship? Lou for deciding to move in with and marry a man ten years younger than her?  Or any of the other characters who find themselves out of their comfort zone as they open up to the possibilities. There are many kids of heroes and Ms. Carr takes her readers into the lives of several.

I totally enjoyed book 1 of this series, THE WANDERER and eagerly awaited and then read book two, THE NEWCOMER which was a bit of a disappointment.  THE HERO goes beyond THE WANDERER and is clearly one of the best books I’ve read this year.  The characters are complex, the town creates a rich backdrop for the story and the story itself touches the reader deeply. I hope this series continues on – Dr. Grant is definitely due for his own story!  Each book is a standalone story and while they do not have to be read in order you really do not want to miss a one.

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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